Yes, it really is sad that there is so much trouble in Haiti. And, it is sad that Magic Haiti is closed (again). I was there in January 1997, and it was one of my best Club Med holidays ever !
"Of all the things I've ever lost, I miss my mind the most." (Ozzy Ozbourne)
I don't know anyone, I mean anyone, who went to the Club there and didn't totally enjoy it. Of all the clubs I have visited (20), this was as close to what the club is supposed to be about than any other. A very mellow feeling. So sad now.
I always wanted to go but never got around to it -- how did it draw and were there any cool excursions? I have met a few Haitians who worked there a few seasons (they now work on Macinaw Island during Summers). Nice people.
I heard from an ex GO that they evacuated the GM's at least once because of rebels coming up to it having weapons. I always wondered if that was true or if she was just playing with me. Anyone know for sure?
In January 1997 I was there and the elicopters of UN came to take us to the airport in Port-au-prince, because of a rebbelion along the road to the airport... Amazing telling this story to friends when I came back, but I am still so sad when I think of Haiti...
I went to Haiti in 1998 as a part of a relief mission with a church in Florida. I was there for 4 days living on the edge of Port Au Prince trying to get people help and medical attention. It was pretty depressing. After 4 days they decided to evacuate us due to problems like were mentioned. Rebels with heavy automatic weapons were within a few miles of us and since we were civilians we needed to be brought out.
I heard the story about CM being evacuated after I came back and several years later.