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Club Med FAQ

Everything you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask ...


At Club Med Planet we try to make your experience as smooth as possible. We have collected a number of frequently asked questions which we will try to answer as well as possible.

If you have any other question about the use of the website, then don't hesitate to contact us using the contact form or you can post your question in one of our numerous forums.

Working for Club Med sounds great. How do I get a job?

Club Med has a 'jobs' web page

GOs make around $500US per month plus room and board. It sounds like a cool job, but it's really a LOT of work. There is a high burnout rate. Starting out, you would not really get to choose which village. They would tell you. They might give you the choice of a couple of villages, but it's their choosing, not yours. Multilingual helps a lot.

Working at CM is a mind set kind of thing. You have to have the right personality. GOs are now getting one day off every week; something new. You would be living, eating, working, and mixing with the guests all day, every day. Think of it as working 24 hours a day. It's kind of like the movie 'Groundhogs Day'. Don't get me wrong, I've met LOT'S of GOs that have been doing it for years; and love it.

What's the e-mail address of a GO I met?

We don't have personal email addresses of G.Os who have worked at Club Med. If you didn't think of asking him/her for her address when you were there then you will have to find another way to contact that person. What usually works is to call the village or send a fax. If that doesn't work you can post a message in the 'Find a G.O' forum and see if you get any response. It has worked on several occasions.

How do I find out which village a GO I met is at now?

It is very difficult to keep track of all the G.O's who are spread out over all the Club Med VIllages in the world. To help you a little we have created the Track-A-G.O tool which might help you n finding out where a certain G.O was or is. The Track A G.O database is maintained by all the visitors of Club Med Planet (yes, that includes you) so the more accurate information we have the easier it will be to find those G.O's we are looking for and meet old friends.

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