edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGEI've been meaning to ask this for awhile. Back in August of 1990 I went to Sonora Bay for my first and only time. Early in the week I was there, a big storm passed through. I thought it was reported to be the tail end of a
edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGEWent to Club Med back in 1988 and had a realy nice time. Met a nice guy named Bob. Would be great to hear from him again. If anyone has digital pictures from that era would be great to see. All my pictures are hard prints. Feel
edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGEsuch a pity that they let this one go. as a GO there in 97 (I think) and even though for just a few months I thought it was the best run and most fun club I had been to as GM or GO. Mike was the Chef and the feeling there was one
edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGEI was the windsurfing Go in 95....Bambi/Daniel... anyone from the old days still around? Spanky? Enrique? Vince? Tori? Jennifer? Apollo? Antonio? Salvatori? How many more O gotta list??? Miss u guys...totally....I'm in LA now...work
edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGEStayed at Sonora Bay in 98 I think, for 2 weeks and with help fron Daniel the Equestian GO, took home the nicest cat you have ever seen. He is a orange tabby shorthair, that used to hang out near the restuarants, he knew when one