edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGEHi everyone! I just wanted to ask if anyone knows what the weather is like in August at this club ?! Is it warm enough to go ? any other useful information about the village would be very helpful! Thanks! Dan,
edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGEHi there, I've been accepted to work as GO from 26/03 till 12/11 in Palmyre in France. As it is my first time with CM I'm asking you some information about the club at Palmyre, the rooms, the atmosfear, etc. Thanks to send me
edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGEHas anyone been to this club or heard anything about it? I want to take my older family to a club med that is not going to extremely hot (since we live in Florida) and was considering it.
edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGEHi everyone, Does anyone know if there are babyphones/bebetel available at Palmyre Atlantique or integrated listening devices in the phones? We are going in june with our son and it'd be great if we could have some fun alone
edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGEI would like to buy a digital camera for for my trips to CM .Anyone real happy with theirs?
edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGEMe and Danou will spend the summer in the South of France! We're leaving Belgium on June 19 and will be working in Palmyre's Mini Club for 1 or 2 months (depends on how well our exams went). Danou, we're gonna partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!