edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGEHI guys I will enjoy 2 weeks in march 2011. I will be the first week at the ClubMed in Cervinia (AO) and the next one at Arc Extreme. Is there a fast way by bus to cross the Alps from Cervinia to Arc ? I hope to avoid to go via
edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGEI benefited from a CM promotion, and I booked this village long time ago at the price of room sharing, but having the entire room to myself. Room size is similar to Val Thorens, Val D''Isere and former Copper Mountain. The snow
edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGEHi guys anyone going to ArcExtreme in March 2008 ? Just booked it :) Is it the club just next to the slopes ? No need to walk ? thx CIPO
edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGEHello, Bonjour. I am a French Canadien living in France for the last two years. I will be at at Club Med les Arcs Extreme on the week of April 2 to 9. See you there. Ciao
edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGEHi, I am looking for some pictures or comments from this club. I plan to go there next month. Thanks.
edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGEHello ! I'll arrive there on 5th February. I go alone. Is there anyone going there at the same time ? Please let me know [;)] See you there ! [:p]
edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGEI am going on Ski holiday to les Arcs Extreme on 15th Jan I am really looking forward to going, except I am going alone so nervous about meeting new people and sitting at dinner alone!! Anyone also going this week let me
edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGE Hi! We are two average skiers going to Les Arcs Extreme next week, we are a bit worried about the language of the skiing classes, etc.. because we don't know any French.. Does anyone know if the classes are given also in English? I'm
edf40wrjww2FORUM_TOPICS:T_MESSAGEJust looking for some info on Club Med Arcs Extreme. We are travelling from Lyon on 8th Jan 2006 to Arcs Extreme and would be able to give one person a lift from the airport to Les Arcs or Bourg St Maurice. We are three people