Club Med Rio Das Pedras

Rio Das Pedras - Very Bad !!!

2 Posts
I return from Rio Das Pedras.

Then, I warn you, they have just changed Chief of Village, super
brilliant, fortunately, Benoit! But odd this change, moreover the
precedent appears it did not remain a long time, why

But for the remainder, Benoit has had much work to make, the Club was
very badly organized for several months!

Very little English or French support, sometimes even with the
reception, one does not find anybody who speaks French or English,
that Portugues !

No the chief of animations! An organizer which is occupied only of the
Brazilian ones and which speaks hardly French. In general rules, there
is very little GO' S French and the Brazilian GO' S learn only French!
I even had a GO' S which come with our table midday, when I asked him
speak you French or speak you english left the table on the fields
and in a very unpleasant way! :evil: :evil: :evil:

If it rains and especially Sunday, the village is 100 % dead!

The sports activities are not followed, result, except the active
super water skiing, the remainder is quasi deserted and especially
without genuine apparent monitor!

The club is occupied to 80 % by the Brazilian ones (GM), especially
the weekend, where it come there. As it acts of the rich part the
population (very poor country), sometimes they even try to go you on
the feet. A thing is sure, in general rules the Braeilian GM' S do
not love Europeans, Canadians or Americans !

The spectacles are poor and only start to be taken again in hand!
Sometimes, the spectacle is even to 100 % Portugues Brazilian!

Food is worse than in the majority of the three three-pronged forks!
The cleanliness of the back cooks restaurant principal leaves some can

I stop there, because I do not want to discourage you, because I could
continue like that still a long time!

There are some rare positive points, a new (1 week) Chief of active
Village hyper (the best than I met), a center of excursions
interesting, an interesting sight and a splendid secondary restaurant!

Some surprises, like monkeys, iguanas, collibri... Fortunately how
they are there to raise animation! Besides I name the monkeys, chiefs
of animation .

In short, one four three-pronged forks, below one three, stay dustbin,
wet room hyper - with mushrooms, Air France which surbook its planes -
not of place at the beginning for two people sets, club surbooké the

For information, here I was still software, the majority of
the French and French-speaking people with whom I shared my voyage
spoke about a letter of complaint with respect to the Med Club!

The worst Med Club that I never made, I am besides on the point of
writing a letter too!


Jason MC
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21 Posts

Thank you for sharing your experience. I was actually considering going to this particular club! If you have more information / details - don't hold back! :)

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5 Posts
I believe you were definitely unlucky. I've been to Rio das Pedras twice and I desagree with you in almost all. I think the food is great. Better then the most resorts I've already been in the world. The animation team is very funny and nice. Maybe you are right about the language. Since I'm brasilian I couldn't notice it. But when I'm out of my country I think it's nice to live new cultures. Its a chalange to deal with people who don't speak your language!!! Its cool! If you don't like that you shouldn't leave your country.
The only point I agree with you is about the sports. Last time I was there, some sports activities were abandoned ant the schedule was not being totaly followed.

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6 Posts

I also disagree with you as I just returned from Rio Das Pedras and had an amazing time. Luckily I escaped rain when i was there, but I still thought that the GOs were extremely kind and friendly and the atmosphere was very warm. I'm not sure about the english either because I too am originally from brazil so portugues is not a problem for me. But, there are plenty of people areound from cultures different that is able to communicate in some way. It really depends on your taste of things I guess...I'm not sure exactly how it went when you were there, but I think anyone who goes there cant be shy if they want to have a good time.

Sorry you disliked, but I recommend Rio Das Pedras to everyone, it is very nice there.
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38 Posts
Completely agree with Jason !! see my post on "rio das pedras forum"
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28 Posts
have to defend the Rio das Pedras village, it was the best holidays ever, the GO team were WONDERFUL and Benoit as CDV was excellent
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38 Posts
nooooooooooooooooooooooo :p

maria from excursions is WONDERFUL, sorry that i forgot to mention that very good point !!
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